I've been working on my excel version of an expense tracker and had this requirement of summing up all expenses under a certain category for a given month. Here's some sample data to illustrate my use case.
Input Table
This is where I enter my day-to-day expenses, mentioning the expense category.
Output Table
I'd like a summary of my expenses for each month, broken down by each category.
At first glance, this seems like a use case for the SUMIFS function since I have to specify multiple criteria.
criteria_range_1, criteria_1,
criteria_range_2, criteria_2,
Logically, this is what I would need to do -
SUMIFS(<amounts column>,
<dates column>, <month filter>,
<category column>, <category filter>)
The trick is in comparing the dates column with the month filter. Since they are in different formats (DD-MMM-YY vs. MMM'YY), I need to first convert it to a common format for comparison. The TEXT function seems appropriate for this.
TEXT(value, format_text)
For example,
TEXT(B1, "mmyy") -- For Aug'14, this gives "0814"
TEXT(A2:A16, "mmyy") -- For the dates column, this gives an array of similar strings
Applying this to the SUMIFS function,
Input_Category, $A2,
TEXT(Input_Date, "mmyy"), TEXT(B1, "mmyy"))
I press CTRL+SHIFT, ENTER to indicate to Excel that this is an array formula.
Unfortunately, this approach does not work. Excel just gives an error.
Not very helpful.
After some web surfing, I found one possible way to solve this problem is to use the SUM function in a rather unique way.
SUM(Input_Amt *
(TEXT(Input_Date,"mmyy")=TEXT(B$1,"mmyy")) *
Note the use of multiplication signs (*).
The above is entered as an array formula (CTRL+SHIFT, ENTER)
How does this work
I think the best way to understand this is by using the Evaluate Formula feature in Excel (under the Formula tab). This shows how the formula is evaluated step-by-step.
Here's a summary of what it does -
- Convert each criteria into an array of {TRUE,FALSE} values
- Combine them to produce a single array of {TRUE,FALSE} values
- Multiply each row of the Amounts column against {TRUE,FALSE} array
- Multiplying with FALSE yields zero
- Multiplying with TRUE produces the same amount
- The remaining amounts are finally added together by the SUM function
Interestingly, this made more sense to me after I started taking the R Programming Course on Coursera. More on this in a later post.
Download the Sample Sheet with solution.